/** * @file videojs-http-streaming.js * * The main file for the HLS project. * License: https://github.com/videojs/videojs-http-streaming/blob/master/LICENSE */ import document from 'global/document'; import PlaylistLoader from './playlist-loader'; import Playlist from './playlist'; import xhrFactory from './xhr'; import { Decrypter, AsyncStream, decrypt } from 'aes-decrypter'; import * as utils from './bin-utils'; import { getProgramTime, seekToProgramTime } from './util/time'; import { timeRangesToArray } from './ranges'; import { MediaSource, URL } from './mse/index'; import videojs from 'video.js'; import { MasterPlaylistController } from './master-playlist-controller'; import Config from './config'; import renditionSelectionMixin from './rendition-mixin'; import PlaybackWatcher from './playback-watcher'; import reloadSourceOnError from './reload-source-on-error'; import { lastBandwidthSelector, lowestBitrateCompatibleVariantSelector, comparePlaylistBandwidth, comparePlaylistResolution } from './playlist-selectors.js'; import { version } from '../package.json'; import { isAudioCodec, isVideoCodec, parseContentType } from './util/codecs'; const Hls = { PlaylistLoader, Playlist, Decrypter, AsyncStream, decrypt, utils, STANDARD_PLAYLIST_SELECTOR: lastBandwidthSelector, INITIAL_PLAYLIST_SELECTOR: lowestBitrateCompatibleVariantSelector, comparePlaylistBandwidth, comparePlaylistResolution, xhr: xhrFactory() }; // Define getter/setters for config properites [ 'GOAL_BUFFER_LENGTH', 'MAX_GOAL_BUFFER_LENGTH', 'GOAL_BUFFER_LENGTH_RATE', 'BUFFER_LOW_WATER_LINE', 'MAX_BUFFER_LOW_WATER_LINE', 'BUFFER_LOW_WATER_LINE_RATE', 'BANDWIDTH_VARIANCE' ].forEach((prop) => { Object.defineProperty(Hls, prop, { get() { videojs.log.warn(`using Hls.${prop} is UNSAFE be sure you know what you are doing`); return Config[prop]; }, set(value) { videojs.log.warn(`using Hls.${prop} is UNSAFE be sure you know what you are doing`); if (typeof value !== 'number' || value < 0) { videojs.log.warn(`value of Hls.${prop} must be greater than or equal to 0`); return; } Config[prop] = value; } }); }); export const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = 'videojs-vhs'; const simpleTypeFromSourceType = (type) => { const mpegurlRE = /^(audio|video|application)\/(x-|vnd\.apple\.)?mpegurl/i; if (mpegurlRE.test(type)) { return 'hls'; } const dashRE = /^application\/dash\+xml/i; if (dashRE.test(type)) { return 'dash'; } return null; }; /** * Updates the selectedIndex of the QualityLevelList when a mediachange happens in hls. * * @param {QualityLevelList} qualityLevels The QualityLevelList to update. * @param {PlaylistLoader} playlistLoader PlaylistLoader containing the new media info. * @function handleHlsMediaChange */ const handleHlsMediaChange = function(qualityLevels, playlistLoader) { let newPlaylist = playlistLoader.media(); let selectedIndex = -1; for (let i = 0; i < qualityLevels.length; i++) { if (qualityLevels[i].id === newPlaylist.id) { selectedIndex = i; break; } } qualityLevels.selectedIndex_ = selectedIndex; qualityLevels.trigger({ selectedIndex, type: 'change' }); }; /** * Adds quality levels to list once playlist metadata is available * * @param {QualityLevelList} qualityLevels The QualityLevelList to attach events to. * @param {Object} hls Hls object to listen to for media events. * @function handleHlsLoadedMetadata */ const handleHlsLoadedMetadata = function(qualityLevels, hls) { hls.representations().forEach((rep) => { qualityLevels.addQualityLevel(rep); }); handleHlsMediaChange(qualityLevels, hls.playlists); }; // HLS is a source handler, not a tech. Make sure attempts to use it // as one do not cause exceptions. Hls.canPlaySource = function() { return videojs.log.warn('HLS is no longer a tech. Please remove it from ' + 'your player\'s techOrder.'); }; const emeKeySystems = (keySystemOptions, mainSegmentLoader, audioSegmentLoader) => { if (!keySystemOptions) { return keySystemOptions; } let videoMimeType; let audioMimeType; // if there is a mimeType associated with the audioSegmentLoader, then the audio // and video mimeType and codec strings are already in the format we need to // pass with the other key systems if (audioSegmentLoader.mimeType_) { videoMimeType = mainSegmentLoader.mimeType_; audioMimeType = audioSegmentLoader.mimeType_; // if there is no audioSegmentLoader mimeType, then we have to create the // the audio and video mimeType/codec strings from information extrapolated // from the mainSegmentLoader mimeType (ex. 'video/mp4; codecs="mp4, avc1"' --> // 'video/mp4; codecs="avc1"' and 'audio/mp4; codecs="mp4"') } else { const parsedMimeType = parseContentType(mainSegmentLoader.mimeType_); const codecs = parsedMimeType.parameters.codecs.split(','); let audioCodec; let videoCodec; codecs.forEach(codec => { codec = codec.trim(); if (isAudioCodec(codec)) { audioCodec = codec; } else if (isVideoCodec(codec)) { videoCodec = codec; } }); videoMimeType = `${parsedMimeType.type}; codecs="${videoCodec}"`; audioMimeType = `${parsedMimeType.type.replace('video', 'audio')}; codecs="${audioCodec}"`; } // upsert the content types based on the selected playlist const keySystemContentTypes = {}; const videoPlaylist = mainSegmentLoader.playlist_; for (let keySystem in keySystemOptions) { keySystemContentTypes[keySystem] = { audioContentType: audioMimeType, videoContentType: videoMimeType }; if (videoPlaylist.contentProtection && videoPlaylist.contentProtection[keySystem] && videoPlaylist.contentProtection[keySystem].pssh) { keySystemContentTypes[keySystem].pssh = videoPlaylist.contentProtection[keySystem].pssh; } // videojs-contrib-eme accepts the option of specifying: 'com.some.cdm': 'url' // so we need to prevent overwriting the URL entirely if (typeof keySystemOptions[keySystem] === 'string') { keySystemContentTypes[keySystem].url = keySystemOptions[keySystem]; } } return videojs.mergeOptions(keySystemOptions, keySystemContentTypes); }; const setupEmeOptions = (hlsHandler) => { const mainSegmentLoader = hlsHandler.masterPlaylistController_.mainSegmentLoader_; const audioSegmentLoader = hlsHandler.masterPlaylistController_.audioSegmentLoader_; const player = videojs.players[hlsHandler.tech_.options_.playerId]; if (player.eme) { const sourceOptions = emeKeySystems( hlsHandler.source_.keySystems, mainSegmentLoader, audioSegmentLoader ); if (sourceOptions) { player.currentSource().keySystems = sourceOptions; // Works around https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=895449 // in non-IE11 browsers. In IE11 this is too early to initialize media keys if (!(videojs.browser.IE_VERSION === 11) && player.eme.initializeMediaKeys) { player.eme.initializeMediaKeys(); } } } }; const getVhsLocalStorage = () => { if (!window.localStorage) { return null; } const storedObject = window.localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY); if (!storedObject) { return null; } try { return JSON.parse(storedObject); } catch (e) { // someone may have tampered with the value return null; } }; const updateVhsLocalStorage = (options) => { if (!window.localStorage) { return false; } let objectToStore = getVhsLocalStorage(); objectToStore = objectToStore ? videojs.mergeOptions(objectToStore, options) : options; try { window.localStorage.setItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(objectToStore)); } catch (e) { // Throws if storage is full (e.g., always on iOS 5+ Safari private mode, where // storage is set to 0). // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Storage/setItem#Exceptions // No need to perform any operation. return false; } return objectToStore; }; /** * Whether the browser has built-in HLS support. */ Hls.supportsNativeHls = (function() { let video = document.createElement('video'); // native HLS is definitely not supported if HTML5 video isn't if (!videojs.getTech('Html5').isSupported()) { return false; } // HLS manifests can go by many mime-types let canPlay = [ // Apple santioned 'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl', // Apple sanctioned for backwards compatibility 'audio/mpegurl', // Very common 'audio/x-mpegurl', // Very common 'application/x-mpegurl', // Included for completeness 'video/x-mpegurl', 'video/mpegurl', 'application/mpegurl' ]; return canPlay.some(function(canItPlay) { return (/maybe|probably/i).test(video.canPlayType(canItPlay)); }); }()); Hls.supportsNativeDash = (function() { if (!videojs.getTech('Html5').isSupported()) { return false; } return (/maybe|probably/i).test( document.createElement('video').canPlayType('application/dash+xml')); }()); Hls.supportsTypeNatively = (type) => { if (type === 'hls') { return Hls.supportsNativeHls; } if (type === 'dash') { return Hls.supportsNativeDash; } return false; }; /** * HLS is a source handler, not a tech. Make sure attempts to use it * as one do not cause exceptions. */ Hls.isSupported = function() { return videojs.log.warn('HLS is no longer a tech. Please remove it from ' + 'your player\'s techOrder.'); }; const Component = videojs.getComponent('Component'); /** * The Hls Handler object, where we orchestrate all of the parts * of HLS to interact with video.js * * @class HlsHandler * @extends videojs.Component * @param {Object} source the soruce object * @param {Tech} tech the parent tech object * @param {Object} options optional and required options */ class HlsHandler extends Component { constructor(source, tech, options) { super(tech, options.hls); // tech.player() is deprecated but setup a reference to HLS for // backwards-compatibility if (tech.options_ && tech.options_.playerId) { let _player = videojs(tech.options_.playerId); if (!_player.hasOwnProperty('hls')) { Object.defineProperty(_player, 'hls', { get: () => { videojs.log.warn('player.hls is deprecated. Use player.tech().hls instead.'); tech.trigger({ type: 'usage', name: 'hls-player-access' }); return this; }, configurable: true }); } // Set up a reference to the HlsHandler from player.vhs. This allows users to start // migrating from player.tech_.hls... to player.vhs... for API access. Although this // isn't the most appropriate form of reference for video.js (since all APIs should // be provided through core video.js), it is a common pattern for plugins, and vhs // will act accordingly. _player.vhs = this; // deprecated, for backwards compatibility _player.dash = this; this.player_ = _player; } this.tech_ = tech; this.source_ = source; this.stats = {}; this.ignoreNextSeekingEvent_ = false; this.setOptions_(); if (this.options_.overrideNative && tech.overrideNativeAudioTracks && tech.overrideNativeVideoTracks) { tech.overrideNativeAudioTracks(true); tech.overrideNativeVideoTracks(true); } else if (this.options_.overrideNative && (tech.featuresNativeVideoTracks || tech.featuresNativeAudioTracks)) { // overriding native HLS only works if audio tracks have been emulated // error early if we're misconfigured throw new Error('Overriding native HLS requires emulated tracks. ' + 'See https://git.io/vMpjB'); } // listen for fullscreenchange events for this player so that we // can adjust our quality selection quickly this.on(document, [ 'fullscreenchange', 'webkitfullscreenchange', 'mozfullscreenchange', 'MSFullscreenChange' ], (event) => { let fullscreenElement = document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement; if (fullscreenElement && fullscreenElement.contains(this.tech_.el())) { this.masterPlaylistController_.smoothQualityChange_(); } }); this.on(this.tech_, 'seeking', function() { if (this.ignoreNextSeekingEvent_) { this.ignoreNextSeekingEvent_ = false; return; } this.setCurrentTime(this.tech_.currentTime()); }); this.on(this.tech_, 'error', function() { if (this.masterPlaylistController_) { this.masterPlaylistController_.pauseLoading(); } }); this.on(this.tech_, 'play', this.play); } setOptions_() { // defaults this.options_.withCredentials = this.options_.withCredentials || false; this.options_.handleManifestRedirects = this.options_.handleManifestRedirects || false; this.options_.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions = this.options_.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions === false ? false : true; this.options_.useDevicePixelRatio = this.options_.useDevicePixelRatio || false; this.options_.smoothQualityChange = this.options_.smoothQualityChange || false; this.options_.useBandwidthFromLocalStorage = typeof this.source_.useBandwidthFromLocalStorage !== 'undefined' ? this.source_.useBandwidthFromLocalStorage : this.options_.useBandwidthFromLocalStorage || false; this.options_.customTagParsers = this.options_.customTagParsers || []; this.options_.customTagMappers = this.options_.customTagMappers || []; this.options_.cacheEncryptionKeys = this.options_.cacheEncryptionKeys || false; if (typeof this.options_.blacklistDuration !== 'number') { this.options_.blacklistDuration = 5 * 60; } if (typeof this.options_.bandwidth !== 'number') { if (this.options_.useBandwidthFromLocalStorage) { const storedObject = getVhsLocalStorage(); if (storedObject && storedObject.bandwidth) { this.options_.bandwidth = storedObject.bandwidth; this.tech_.trigger({type: 'usage', name: 'hls-bandwidth-from-local-storage'}); } if (storedObject && storedObject.throughput) { this.options_.throughput = storedObject.throughput; this.tech_.trigger({type: 'usage', name: 'hls-throughput-from-local-storage'}); } } } // if bandwidth was not set by options or pulled from local storage, start playlist // selection at a reasonable bandwidth if (typeof this.options_.bandwidth !== 'number') { this.options_.bandwidth = Config.INITIAL_BANDWIDTH; } // If the bandwidth number is unchanged from the initial setting // then this takes precedence over the enableLowInitialPlaylist option this.options_.enableLowInitialPlaylist = this.options_.enableLowInitialPlaylist && this.options_.bandwidth === Config.INITIAL_BANDWIDTH; // grab options passed to player.src [ 'withCredentials', 'useDevicePixelRatio', 'limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions', 'bandwidth', 'smoothQualityChange', 'customTagParsers', 'customTagMappers', 'handleManifestRedirects', 'cacheEncryptionKeys' ].forEach((option) => { if (typeof this.source_[option] !== 'undefined') { this.options_[option] = this.source_[option]; } }); this.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions = this.options_.limitRenditionByPlayerDimensions; this.useDevicePixelRatio = this.options_.useDevicePixelRatio; } /** * called when player.src gets called, handle a new source * * @param {Object} src the source object to handle */ src(src, type) { // do nothing if the src is falsey if (!src) { return; } this.setOptions_(); // add master playlist controller options this.options_.url = this.source_.src; this.options_.tech = this.tech_; this.options_.externHls = Hls; this.options_.sourceType = simpleTypeFromSourceType(type); // Whenever we seek internally, we should update the tech this.options_.seekTo = (time) => { this.tech_.setCurrentTime(time); }; this.masterPlaylistController_ = new MasterPlaylistController(this.options_); this.playbackWatcher_ = new PlaybackWatcher( videojs.mergeOptions(this.options_, { seekable: () => this.seekable(), media: () => this.masterPlaylistController_.media() })); this.masterPlaylistController_.on('error', () => { let player = videojs.players[this.tech_.options_.playerId]; player.error(this.masterPlaylistController_.error); }); // `this` in selectPlaylist should be the HlsHandler for backwards // compatibility with < v2 this.masterPlaylistController_.selectPlaylist = this.selectPlaylist ? this.selectPlaylist.bind(this) : Hls.STANDARD_PLAYLIST_SELECTOR.bind(this); this.masterPlaylistController_.selectInitialPlaylist = Hls.INITIAL_PLAYLIST_SELECTOR.bind(this); // re-expose some internal objects for backwards compatibility with < v2 this.playlists = this.masterPlaylistController_.masterPlaylistLoader_; this.mediaSource = this.masterPlaylistController_.mediaSource; // Proxy assignment of some properties to the master playlist // controller. Using a custom property for backwards compatibility // with < v2 Object.defineProperties(this, { selectPlaylist: { get() { return this.masterPlaylistController_.selectPlaylist; }, set(selectPlaylist) { this.masterPlaylistController_.selectPlaylist = selectPlaylist.bind(this); } }, throughput: { get() { return this.masterPlaylistController_.mainSegmentLoader_.throughput.rate; }, set(throughput) { this.masterPlaylistController_.mainSegmentLoader_.throughput.rate = throughput; // By setting `count` to 1 the throughput value becomes the starting value // for the cumulative average this.masterPlaylistController_.mainSegmentLoader_.throughput.count = 1; } }, bandwidth: { get() { return this.masterPlaylistController_.mainSegmentLoader_.bandwidth; }, set(bandwidth) { this.masterPlaylistController_.mainSegmentLoader_.bandwidth = bandwidth; // setting the bandwidth manually resets the throughput counter // `count` is set to zero that current value of `rate` isn't included // in the cumulative average this.masterPlaylistController_.mainSegmentLoader_.throughput = { rate: 0, count: 0 }; } }, /** * `systemBandwidth` is a combination of two serial processes bit-rates. The first * is the network bitrate provided by `bandwidth` and the second is the bitrate of * the entire process after that - decryption, transmuxing, and appending - provided * by `throughput`. * * Since the two process are serial, the overall system bandwidth is given by: * sysBandwidth = 1 / (1 / bandwidth + 1 / throughput) */ systemBandwidth: { get() { let invBandwidth = 1 / (this.bandwidth || 1); let invThroughput; if (this.throughput > 0) { invThroughput = 1 / this.throughput; } else { invThroughput = 0; } let systemBitrate = Math.floor(1 / (invBandwidth + invThroughput)); return systemBitrate; }, set() { videojs.log.error('The "systemBandwidth" property is read-only'); } } }); if (this.options_.bandwidth) { this.bandwidth = this.options_.bandwidth; } if (this.options_.throughput) { this.throughput = this.options_.throughput; } Object.defineProperties(this.stats, { bandwidth: { get: () => this.bandwidth || 0, enumerable: true }, mediaRequests: { get: () => this.masterPlaylistController_.mediaRequests_() || 0, enumerable: true }, mediaRequestsAborted: { get: () => this.masterPlaylistController_.mediaRequestsAborted_() || 0, enumerable: true }, mediaRequestsTimedout: { get: () => this.masterPlaylistController_.mediaRequestsTimedout_() || 0, enumerable: true }, mediaRequestsErrored: { get: () => this.masterPlaylistController_.mediaRequestsErrored_() || 0, enumerable: true }, mediaTransferDuration: { get: () => this.masterPlaylistController_.mediaTransferDuration_() || 0, enumerable: true }, mediaBytesTransferred: { get: () => this.masterPlaylistController_.mediaBytesTransferred_() || 0, enumerable: true }, mediaSecondsLoaded: { get: () => this.masterPlaylistController_.mediaSecondsLoaded_() || 0, enumerable: true }, buffered: { get: () => timeRangesToArray(this.tech_.buffered()), enumerable: true }, currentTime: { get: () => this.tech_.currentTime(), enumerable: true }, currentSource: { get: () => this.tech_.currentSource_, enumerable: true }, currentTech: { get: () => this.tech_.name_, enumerable: true }, duration: { get: () => this.tech_.duration(), enumerable: true }, master: { get: () => this.playlists.master, enumerable: true }, playerDimensions: { get: () => this.tech_.currentDimensions(), enumerable: true }, seekable: { get: () => timeRangesToArray(this.tech_.seekable()), enumerable: true }, timestamp: { get: () => Date.now(), enumerable: true }, videoPlaybackQuality: { get: () => this.tech_.getVideoPlaybackQuality(), enumerable: true } }); this.tech_.one('canplay', this.masterPlaylistController_.setupFirstPlay.bind(this.masterPlaylistController_)); this.tech_.on('bandwidthupdate', () => { if (this.options_.useBandwidthFromLocalStorage) { updateVhsLocalStorage({ bandwidth: this.bandwidth, throughput: Math.round(this.throughput) }); } }); this.masterPlaylistController_.on('selectedinitialmedia', () => { // Add the manual rendition mix-in to HlsHandler renditionSelectionMixin(this); setupEmeOptions(this); }); // the bandwidth of the primary segment loader is our best // estimate of overall bandwidth this.on(this.masterPlaylistController_, 'progress', function() { this.tech_.trigger('progress'); }); // In the live case, we need to ignore the very first `seeking` event since // that will be the result of the seek-to-live behavior this.on(this.masterPlaylistController_, 'firstplay', function() { this.ignoreNextSeekingEvent_ = true; }); this.setupQualityLevels_(); // do nothing if the tech has been disposed already // this can occur if someone sets the src in player.ready(), for instance if (!this.tech_.el()) { return; } this.tech_.src(videojs.URL.createObjectURL( this.masterPlaylistController_.mediaSource)); } /** * Initializes the quality levels and sets listeners to update them. * * @method setupQualityLevels_ * @private */ setupQualityLevels_() { let player = videojs.players[this.tech_.options_.playerId]; // if there isn't a player or there isn't a qualityLevels plugin // or qualityLevels_ listeners have already been setup, do nothing. if (!player || !player.qualityLevels || this.qualityLevels_) { return; } this.qualityLevels_ = player.qualityLevels(); this.masterPlaylistController_.on('selectedinitialmedia', () => { handleHlsLoadedMetadata(this.qualityLevels_, this); }); this.playlists.on('mediachange', () => { handleHlsMediaChange(this.qualityLevels_, this.playlists); }); } /** * Begin playing the video. */ play() { this.masterPlaylistController_.play(); } /** * a wrapper around the function in MasterPlaylistController */ setCurrentTime(currentTime) { this.masterPlaylistController_.setCurrentTime(currentTime); } /** * a wrapper around the function in MasterPlaylistController */ duration() { return this.masterPlaylistController_.duration(); } /** * a wrapper around the function in MasterPlaylistController */ seekable() { return this.masterPlaylistController_.seekable(); } /** * Abort all outstanding work and cleanup. */ dispose() { if (this.playbackWatcher_) { this.playbackWatcher_.dispose(); } if (this.masterPlaylistController_) { this.masterPlaylistController_.dispose(); } if (this.qualityLevels_) { this.qualityLevels_.dispose(); } if (this.player_) { delete this.player_.vhs; delete this.player_.dash; delete this.player_.hls; } if (this.tech_ && this.tech_.hls) { delete this.tech_.hls; } super.dispose(); } convertToProgramTime(time, callback) { return getProgramTime({ playlist: this.masterPlaylistController_.media(), time, callback }); } // the player must be playing before calling this seekToProgramTime(programTime, callback, pauseAfterSeek = true, retryCount = 2) { return seekToProgramTime({ programTime, playlist: this.masterPlaylistController_.media(), retryCount, pauseAfterSeek, seekTo: this.options_.seekTo, tech: this.options_.tech, callback }); } } /** * The Source Handler object, which informs video.js what additional * MIME types are supported and sets up playback. It is registered * automatically to the appropriate tech based on the capabilities of * the browser it is running in. It is not necessary to use or modify * this object in normal usage. */ const HlsSourceHandler = { name: 'videojs-http-streaming', VERSION: version, canHandleSource(srcObj, options = {}) { let localOptions = videojs.mergeOptions(videojs.options, options); return HlsSourceHandler.canPlayType(srcObj.type, localOptions); }, handleSource(source, tech, options = {}) { let localOptions = videojs.mergeOptions(videojs.options, options); tech.hls = new HlsHandler(source, tech, localOptions); tech.hls.xhr = xhrFactory(); tech.hls.src(source.src, source.type); return tech.hls; }, canPlayType(type, options = {}) { const { hls: { overrideNative } } = videojs.mergeOptions(videojs.options, options); const supportedType = simpleTypeFromSourceType(type); const canUseMsePlayback = supportedType && (!Hls.supportsTypeNatively(supportedType) || overrideNative); return canUseMsePlayback ? 'maybe' : ''; } }; if (typeof videojs.MediaSource === 'undefined' || typeof videojs.URL === 'undefined') { videojs.MediaSource = MediaSource; videojs.URL = URL; } // register source handlers with the appropriate techs if (MediaSource.supportsNativeMediaSources()) { videojs.getTech('Html5').registerSourceHandler(HlsSourceHandler, 0); } videojs.HlsHandler = HlsHandler; videojs.HlsSourceHandler = HlsSourceHandler; videojs.Hls = Hls; if (!videojs.use) { videojs.registerComponent('Hls', Hls); } videojs.options.hls = videojs.options.hls || {}; if (videojs.registerPlugin) { videojs.registerPlugin('reloadSourceOnError', reloadSourceOnError); } else { videojs.plugin('reloadSourceOnError', reloadSourceOnError); } export { Hls, HlsHandler, HlsSourceHandler, emeKeySystems, simpleTypeFromSourceType };